Mon. Sep 9th, 2024

Fact-Checking Policy

The Satta King First is committed to doing its best to publish accurate information across all of its content. We take many steps to ensure accuracy: We investigate claims with scepticism; question assumptions; and challenge conventional wisdom.


This policy applies to all factual claims, data, and statistics published on the Website, including:

  • News articles
  • Opinion pieces
  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Social media posts

Our Principles

  • Accuracy: We strive to verify the accuracy of all factual claims before publication.
  • Transparency: We disclose our sources and methodology for fact-checking.
  • Fairness: We consider all sides of an issue before reaching a conclusion.
  • Accountability: We are committed to correcting errors and updating outdated information.


  • Research: Our fact-checkers research all factual claims using reputable sources, such as government websites, scientific journals, and academic databases.

  • Verification: We verify the accuracy of information by cross-referencing it with multiple sources and contacting experts when necessary.

  • Context: We consider the context in which a claim is made and avoid misinterpretations.

  • Rating: We assign a rating to each claim based on its level of accuracy:

    • True: The claim is supported by clear and convincing evidence.
    • Mostly True: The claim is generally accurate, but may contain minor inaccuracies.
    • False: The claim is inaccurate or misleading.
    • Uncertain: There is insufficient evidence to determine the accuracy of the claim.
  • Corrections: If we discover an error in our content, we will publish a correction promptly and transparently. We will also notify readers who have shared or commented on the content about the correction.


If you disagree with a fact-check assessment, you can submit an appeal. Appeals should be submitted in writing to [email protected] and should include specific details about the claim you are disputing and the evidence you believe we have overlooked.


We believe that a commitment to fact-checking is essential for building trust and credibility with our readers. We are constantly working to improve our fact-checking practices and welcome feedback from our readers.

Please note:

  • This is a sample Fact-Checking Policy and may need to be adapted to fit the specific needs of your website.
  • You may need to consult with an attorney to ensure that your Fact-Checking Policy is compliant with applicable laws.